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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Perineal And Vaginal Health

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Every mother needs to be educated on her perineal and vaginal health after giving birth. It is so sad that most mothers give birth and experience so many issues regarding their vagina, and are not given any education or resources on it until they reach back out to their doctor!

How about we talk about perineal and vaginal health? Learn all about it below!

What Is the Perineum?

Do you know where your perineum is found? Why is it important to understand regarding your postpartum health? How do you best care for your perineum?

Let’s talk about what your perineum is and where it can be found.

The perineum is the thin piece of skin that is between your vagina and anal canal. It helps bodily functions such as peeing, pooping, sex, and giving birth. It contains several nerve endings that help with sexual arousal.

Another super important function of the perineum is that it supports the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support your bladder, colon, and reproductive organs. If your pelvic floor muscles are weak, those organs can “sink” or “bulge” out of the body. This is called a prolapse and needs medical attention.

Images of the pelvic floor and uterus
Permission to use by SJ Crew (Sharny & Julius)

Preventing And Caring For Perineal Tearing

This is definitely a topic I wish I knew more about before and after giving birth! I suffered from a 3rd, almost 4th degree tear. Four years later, I am still suffering from the consequences of that tearing! Because of that bad tear, I have scar tissue inside my vagina. Additionally, my pelvic floor muscle is super weak. Having a weak pelvic floor can lead to all sorts of health issues such as involuntary peeing, increased risk of hemorrhoids, and organ prolapse. You can learn more about the pelvic floor in my article What Is the Pelvic Floor.

When people tell you, “It’s better to tear during labor than getting an episiotomy,” what are they actually saying? If you have a small tear, you may not need stitches and your body can heal by itself! That is ideal and what people are referring to when they advice to tear. If you get an episiotomy, your perineum will be cut and need stitches. If you do tear, what are you suppose to do about it after delivery? How do you care for that part of your body and help it heal on the inside? This topic will be discussed in greater detail in my article Perineal Tears: Prevention And Care.

image illustrating this article "perineal tears: prevention and care"

Preventing And Caring For Perineum Tearing

In this article, you will learn what and where is the perineum, how to prevent tearing during child birth, and how to care for your perineum if you do tear. Click below to read all about it!

How A Strong Vagina Impacts Women’s Health

For many mothers, the health effects of giving birth on their vagina (whether by C-section or naturally) comes as a surprise. They are shocked by the weakness that happens in their vagina and sometimes are not educated on how to overcome that weakness.

In this article, you will learn how having a weak vagina impacts bodily functions in a negative way. You will also learn how to increase the strength of the vagina to improve quality of life!

Click here or the button blow to learn all about it!

image for this article on how a strong vagina impacts women's health

Read This Article!

Click the button below to read the role the pelvic floor plays in the health and sustaining of the bladder, colon, and vagina. Learn the symptoms of having a weak vagina, and how you can heal and strengthen your vagina!

Click the button below to read all about it!

Vaginal Health Postpartum

Your vagina is a super incredible part of your body. It can stretch wide enough to bring a baby into the world, and it shrinks back to its original size to help support your pelvic floor!

How do you best care for your vagina after having a baby? Prior to giving birth, you probably didn’t give your vagina a second thought, except during that special time of the month.

After giving birth, your vagina may be traumatized. A large number of mothers (those who gave birth naturally and via C-section alike) experience pain during intercourse after giving birth. This can be very difficult and disappointing, to say the least.

Best vaginal moisturizers and lubricants

For me, vaginal pain definitely came as a shock! I was horrified at the pain I experienced and believed I was ruined forever. That’s why I want to share my article Best Vaginal Moisturizers and Lubricants with you. It is one simple way you can overcome the sensitivity and get back to a normal way of life.

If you want to overcome vaginal pain during intercourse, click below to learn all about which vaginal moisturizers and lubricants are the best and which ones you should avoid.

Best Vaginal Moisturizers and Lubricants

Learn which vaginal moisturizers and lubricants are the best for postpartum intercourse. What should you be looking for in a moisturizer/lubricant, and what should you avoid? Click the button below to learn all about it.

Strengthening Your Vagina

After giving birth, your vagina is weakened. A weak vagina can impact sexual health and activity, and strain your relationship with your spouse. It is important to strengthen your vagina after giving birth so you can live your best life!

In my article, Best Kegal Balls For Strengthening The Vagina, I show you some neat kegal balls that are available. You will also learn about the pelvic floor and its functions. Finally, you will learn how to do kegal exercises using the kegal balls.

Click the button below to read all about it!

image illustrating this article best kegal balls for strengthening the vagina

Best Kegal Balls For Strengthening The Vagina

Every single mother needs to educate herself on vaginal health. Period! That includes bringing strength back to the vagina after giving birth. Even mothers who gave birth via C-section experience pelvic floor weakening.

Learn what the best kegal balls are for strengthening the vagina are and how to use them by clicking below!

The Pelvic Floor Wand

What is a pelvic floor wand? It is a unique tool you use before or after a pelvic floor workout session to help relax and bring healing to your pelvic floor muscles.

There are lots of different kinds and styles of pelvic floor wands. In my article, I introduce several different kinds of wands to you. This includes ones that can vibrate or have temperature therapy to help bring aided relaxation and healing to your pelvic floor muscles!

If you would like to learn more about pelvic floor wands, you find one that is best for you, click the button below!

mother exercising with child

Read This Article!

Pelvic floor wands are such a great tool to have when it comes to your pelvic floor health. They help you massage and relax your pelvic floor muscles so you can heal and perform at your best!

Learn more about pelvic floor wands by clicking the button below!

What Is The Pelvic Floor?

You may have heard something like, “Strengthen your pelvic floor!” A question may follow that statement in your mind, “What is the pelvic floor?” And rightly so! We are not taught in school what the pelvic floor is, what it does, and why it is important to strengthen it.

That’s why I wrote “What Is The Pelvic Floor?” where you will find the answers to those questions. You will learn what is the pelvic floor, where is it located, what is its role in the body, why it is important to strengthen it, and how to strengthen it! This is truly a great article that you don’t want to miss out on!

Click the button below to learn all about the pelvic floor!

image illustrating perineal health

What Is The Pelvic Floor?

Learn where the pelvic floor is, what it is, its role in the body, and how to strengthen it. This is a topic every mother should learn about and educate herself on! Click the button below to learn about the pelvic floor!

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