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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Milk Supply

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Home » Milk Supply

The topic of milk supply while breastfeeding is probably the hottest topic out there! I’ve heard so many mothers ask this question in groups. In the articles below, you will learn things like what kills milk supply, tips to boost milk supply, how build up your emergency supply in your freezer, knowing if your body is making enough milk for your baby, and so much more! Scroll below to check out these amazing articles!

How Common Is It For Mothers to Struggle With Milk Supply?

If you’re feeling alone in your struggle with milk production, please don’t! This is such a common struggle for breastfeeding mothers. To find more encouragement and reassurance on this topic, read my article on the subject!

sad girl

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Learn how common it is for mothers to struggle with milk production, how to know your body is producing enough milk for your baby, and tips on how to boost your milk supply! Click below to learn more!

Encouragement For The Discouraged Mama

If you are a breastfeeding mama in need of some encouragement, please read my article. It’s simple, short and sweet to help you feel like you are really doing a great job in your breastfeeding journey! After reading the article, if you were encouraged, share it with a friend who may also be needing some encouragement!

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To find some encouragement in your breastfeeding journey, read my article Encouragement For The Discouraged Mama. Feeling supported in your life will give you energy, confidence, and help you breastfeed longer!

Click the button below to read this article.

Why Do Some Mothers Underproduce?

There are many reasons that can contribute to underproduction in breastmilk. Some reasons may be physical or emotional. Other reasons are medical. To learn more about this subject, click the button below! Or click here to read the article.

frustrated mother

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Click the button below to learn what some of the causes can be for low milk production. This article is not exhaustive, but it points to some key points that many mothers struggle with.

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Exercise And Milk Supply – What You Need To Know

When it comes to exercise, some breastfeeding mothers are unsure of what to do. Is it safe? How should I start? What does exercise do to my milk supply? Will it drop? What about my milk’s taste? I’ve heard exercising can make my milk taste sour! Is that true?

If this describes you, don’t worry. In my article Exercise And Milk Supply – What You Need To Know, I walk you through these questions and educate you on what’s fact and what’s not.

Click the button below to learn all about this subject!

breastfeeding and exercising mother

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Click the button below to learn what you need to know about how exercise impacts milk supply. You’ll also learn some great tips to keep in mind to help you start exercising in a safe way that protects both you and your milk supply! Click the button below to start learning!

Baby’s 1st Week – How Much Milk Does Baby Need?

Many new mothers and seasoned mothers alike ask themselves how much milk should their baby be drinking? It’s easy to forget the numbers amongst all of the demands and lack of sleep motherhood can bring!

This this article, learn how much milk your baby needs during the first week of life. You will also learn just how big your baby’s stomach is at birth and why you shouldn’t be concerned if you can’t see “lots of milk” during baby’s very first feedings!

Click the button below to learn more!

newborn with mom

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How much milk does baby need during the first week of life? You might be surprised by how little your baby needs. Yet you will be amazed at how perfectly your body syncs to meet your baby’s needs through your breastmilk!

Click the button below to learn all about it!

Best Tips To Maintain Milk Supply While Traveling

Sometimes a breastfeeding mother needs to travel. This could be for work, family reasons, or just for fun. One burning question on every breastfeeding mother’s mind is how do I maintain my milk supply while traveling?

We understand your concern! That’s why we created this article for you! You’ll get the best tips on how to maintain your milk supply while traveling. These tips are given to you in the most convenient and simplest way possible!

Click below to learn all about it!

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Be prepared with these tips on how to maintain your milk supply while traveling! No need to stress about it anymore! Click the button below to read all about it!

8 Foods To Eat That Boost Your Milk Production

Are you curious about which foods will help you boost your milk production? You’re not alone. This is a common question among breastfeeding mothers. On the other hand, you may be confused about if what you eat really impacts your milk supply. You will also learn about that here.

In my article, 8 Foods To Eat That Boost Your Milk Production, you will learn which foods you should eat to help your body produce more milk, how you can add these nutrients to your daily routine in as little as 2 minutes per day, and other great tips on how you can boost your milk supply naturally!

Click below to check it out!

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Click the button below to read this article on the 8 foods to eat that will boost your milk production! You will enjoy the knowledge and tips you gain from this article and want to share it with others!

Click the button below to read all about it!

The Secret To Using Essential Oils To Boost Milk Supply

If you’re like a LOT of breastfeeding mothers out there, you want to know how to boost your supply. This is a very hot topic and one that I love to talk about! Did you know that certain essential oils can help boost milk production? In this article, you will learn the science behind why this is and which essential oils to use. You will also learn how to properly dilute these essential oils and apply them to your breasts.

Click the button below to read all about it!

lavender essential oil

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Click the button below to learn the secret to using essential oils to boost milk supply!

This One Simple Thing Helped Me Produce 1-2oz More Milk Per Feeding!

I wish every mother knew about this! It takes next to zero time to do, it simple, easy, and can boost milk production!

When I had my first baby, I at first struggled with over supply. Then as breastfeeding got challenging, and the more stressed I became, the less milk my body started to produce.

Then I found this one simple thing that allowed my body to produce 1-2oz more milk per feeding! I can’t explain what a relief that was to me. My mind could rest easy now knowing my baby was going to be ok, and that I could meet her needs.

If you are a mother who struggles with milk supply and you want a simple solution that takes zero time to do to boost your milk supply, you need to read this article!

Click below to read all about it!

lactation booster

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Click below to learn how you can boost your supply by adding one simple step to your daily routine that takes next to no time and brings great results for you and your baby!

What Are Galactagogues?

How do you even say that word? Galactagogues are simply foods that naturally boost milk production when consumed. What foods are galactagogues? How can you easily add them to your daily diet?

To learn the answers to these questions, click here or the button below!

healthy foods

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To learn what are galactagogues and how they benefit milk production click the button below!

See you inside!

What Kills Milk Supply?

Many factors can play a role in milk production. In this article, What Kills Milk Supply, you will learn the top 4 killers of milk production and how you can ensure your milk supply stays up! Click below to read all about it!

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Click below to learn what kills milk supply and how you can ensure your milk supply stays up! This is a common concern and struggle among breastfeeding mothers. Be encouraged, there are answers!

3 Tips To Increasing Your Emergency Supply Of Frozen Breastmilk

For some mothers, storing extra breastmilk is a breeze because they have an oversupply. However, for most of us, it takes work to increase our emergency stash of frozen breastmilk! So how can you do this in a way that doesn’t kill you?

I’ve given you three very simple tips on how to increase your emergency stash of frozen breastmilk! Here’s the cool thing. Two of the 3 tips literally requires little to no effort on your part! Interested? Click the button below to learn how and read my article.

lady holding bar graph

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If you desire to learn how you can increase your emergency supply of breastmilk in the freezer, click the button below! You will learn 3 simple tips on how you can practically do this as a breastfeeding mother!

Pump It Up! How To Increase Milk Supply By Pumping

If you are a mother who wants to increase her milk supply by pumping, but don’t know where to start, this article is for you! It’s short, simple and sweet. You will learn exactly what you need to know about how to use your breast pump to boost milk production.

If you’re not sure about your breast pump, don’t worry! We discuss that in this article as well. There is a right way and a wrong way to pump to increase milk supply. Click here to read all about it!

pinterest pin image for article pumping to boost milk supply

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Click the button below to learn how you can increase your supply by pumping! Learn about breast pumps, do’s and don’ts, and other tips you’ll need to know to be successful!

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