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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

About The Instructor

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Hi! I’m Kelsey, creator of Motherhood Baby and Me and of the Breastfeeding Accelerator Course.

I am married to my wonderful husband, Jonathan, and have two beautiful little girls.

I am a certified Health Education Specialist and am passionate about educating women on postpartum health. After I gave birth to my first daughter, I experienced a LOT of challenges with my body and breastfeeding that I was not prepared for. I struggled, cried and learned a lot through the first year of motherhood. It’s because of those challenges that I created Motherhood, Baby and Me. Later I created my Breastfeeding Accelerator Course once I learned that a lot of mothers are struggling and have loads of questions just like I did!

My hope is that I can help other mothers be in a healthier place than I was when I started being a mother.


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