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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Infant Health

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There are lots of topics that can be discussed regarding infant health. This can include, lead exposure, home safety, appropriate infant growth, sleep, and much more. On this page, we will talk about several topics regarding infant health including BPA exposure. Since the quality of infant sleep directly impacts the quality of sleep the mother gets, we will discuss that as well. Let’s get to it!

Baby’s First Week – How Much Milk Does Baby Need?

Practically every new mother is mindful about how much milk her baby is drinking, and if he is getting enough. Mom may even stress and worry about if she is producing enough milk or not, and if her baby’s nutritional needs are being met.

To help ease the stress of this topic, I have written an article for you outlining how much milk your baby needs within the first 24 hours to first 7 days of life. It’s pretty amazing! To read all about it, click here! Or you can click the button below.

mother nursing baby

Read This Article!

To learn how much milk your baby needs within the first week of life and how much milk should be consumed at each feeding, click the button below!

BPA And Its Harm On Infants

BPA is a chemical that is put in plastic to make it hard. However, this chemical can leak out of the plastic and be absorbed into the contents the plastic is holding, such as water or food.

BPA can harm infants and children!

Children exposed to BPA have a greater risk for the following health affects:

  1. Cardiovascular disease
  2. Type 2 diabetes
  3. Hyperactivity
  4. Poor brain development
  5. Thyroid development issues

It is important to always check the labels of any baby product you buy. Although many USA baby product companies do not put BPA in their baby products, some imported goods still contain BPA. This is why you want to always look for “BPA-free” on the label.

BPA can be found in any plastic baby product including:

  1. Baby bottles
  2. Bottle nipples
  3. Nipple shields
  4. Teether toys
  5. Plastic toys

I discuss this topic in greater detail in my article BPA-Free Baby Products. Click here or the button below to learn all about it!

BPA-Free Baby Products!

Learn more about BPA and how it harms infants and children. Find all BPA-free infant supplies here! Click the button below to learn more!

Homeopathic Remedies For Teething

Teething can be such a challenge for both mom and baby. If you are a mother who prefers homeopathic remedies over medication, this article is for you! Learn 5 great homeopathic remedies for teething that actually work to bring comfort to your baby. Click here or the button below to read all about it!

Baby smiling. picture for article homeopathic remedies for teething

5 Homeopathic Remedies For Teething

Find great homeopathic remedies that actually work to bring your baby comfort. Read all about it by clicking the button below.

Diaper Rashes

Diaper rashes are very common and preventable. If you are a new mother, you would do well to educate yourself on how to prevent and treat diaper rashes. If not treated right, the rash can develop open sores. This is very uncomfortable for baby and can be a source of anxiety for you!

In my article “6 Tips For Preventing And Treating Diaper Rash“, you will learn what causes diaper rashes, how to prevent them, and how to treat them. I also share with you my personal story of experiencing diaper rashes with my first baby.

baby diaper

6 Tips For Preventing And Treating Diaper Rash

Learn how you can prevent and treat diaper rash for your baby’s best health! Keep those cheeks happy by clicking the link below and reading all about it!

Potty Training: When To Ditch The Diaper?

Potty training can be an overwhelming task for both mom and child. When do you potty train? How should you go about doing it? What are the signs your child will give you that tell you they are ready and interested in ditching the diaper?

These are all excellent questions. No mother needs to feel like the has to go into potty training blindly. Check out my article to learn when your child is ready to potty train, 3 approaches to potty training, and what supplies you need to potty train.

Click below to read all about it!

pinterest pin for this article "signs your baby is ready to potty train"

When And How To Potty Train?

You don’t need to feel stressed about potty training your child. There are signs they will give you that tell you they are ready! Learn what these signs are, 3 approaches to potty training, and what supplies you will need for the job!

Click below to read all about it!

Infant Sleep

One major health concern for new mothers is getting good sleep. Once a mother can get good sleep, it allows her body to function in a healthy way again. Her brain is finally able to rest, process, and heal. Her body gets rejuvenated and her quality of life improves! Getting good sleep for mom means better emotional health and having more energy to care for her children well.

When an infant is able to get good sleep, it directly affects the mother also being able to get good sleep. In my article (Coming Soon!), you will learn tips to help your baby sleep better. This includes, appropriate ages for swaddling, sound machines, swings, reducing colic and acid reflux, baby sleepers, and baby beds.

Click below to read all about it!

Getting Baby To Sleep!

When baby is able to get good sleep, it impacts the quality of sleep the mother is able to get. Click the button below to learn how to help your baby sleep better at night, so you can too!

Why Do Babies Smell So Good?

The newborn scent is deeply loved by all, especially the mother. Why do babies smell so good? Have you ever wondered where does this scent come from? What causes this scent to fade? Is there a way to make it last longer? Learn all about it in my article below!

Why Do Babies Smell So Good?

Read my article below to learn what makes newborns smell like newborns, why this scent fades, and what my husband did to make me mad at him regarding our daughter’s newborn scent!

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