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Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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Mother making baby formula in milk bottle for a newborn baby feed, handheld footage
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Home » Best Formula For Colic

What is the best formula for colic? There are so many choices out there. It may be overwhelming to try and sort through them all. Some formulas help with colic, specifically. Others help reduce reflux, and the list goes on.

In this article, I will help you understand which formulas are the safest and healthiest for you infant to help reduce the amount of colic they are experiencing.

First, a note from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

Recall On Certain Formulas As Of August 8, 2021

According to an article by the FDA, on August 8, 2021, certain brands of formula were recalled. This is because they did not have enough iron per 100 calories in their formula.

These formula brands are the following:

  • Holle
  • Hipp
  • Bioland
  • Kendamil

Formulas sold within the US should be labeled with nutritional information. This information should include the amount of iron in them. If formulas do not meet the required amount of iron per 100 calories, they are suppose to put a notice on their product. Consumers should be made aware that other supplements may be required. These brands did not have that label.

An insufficient amount of iron in infants can lead to irreversible developmental issues.

You can read more at the link to their article above.

Lawsuit Against Similac 2022

There has been recent lawsuits against Similac. Similac is a popular formula brand. The company failed to inform pediatricians and parents of the risk of preterm babies developing NEC (Necrotizing enterocolitis).

NEC is a gastriointestinal bacterial infection. It can lead to tissue death in the intestines.

For babies who are born full term, Similac is still a safe option for them. It is the premature infants who are at a significantly high risk of NEC if given Similac formula.

Similac is not recalled by the FDA and remains on the market. You can read more on this topic at the link above.

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Best Formula For Colic

Before jumping into the best formula for colic, I felt like you needed to know the above information. Staying up to date on recalls is important. Ok, now let’s talk about baby formula!

Some formulas may help prevent colic in babies. There are some very well-known and trusted name brands out there who have created formulas specifically for colic. I will introduce you to these brands in a minute. Below are some kinds of formula that may reduce colic in infants.

  • Dairy free formulas
  • Lactose free formulas
  • Soy formulas
  • Formulas with probiotics

What is lactose? It is a sugar that you can find in milk. Why is it a problem? First, this sugar is for baby cows and not for human babies. Secondly, lactose is broken down in the human body by lactase. However, some infants and adults don’t produce enough lactase to break down this sugar. So, for some people, it causes gas, colic and fussiness. Formulas that are lactose free still contain milk. However, they don’t contain the sugar that upsets them.

Why are probiotics helpful with soothing colic in babies? An infant’s gut is working on growing the amount of good bacteria it has. This means their guts are more sensitive to certain things than ours. Adding probiotics to their formula helps give them a boost. Also, probiotics help soften stool and makes it easier to pass.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best recommended baby formula for colic!

Gerber Good Start SoothePro Powder Infant Formula

Gerber’s SoothePro formula is their closest formula to breastmilk. It contains probiotics that promote a healthy digestive tract and soft stools. Also, due to its nutritional value, it can be given to children experiencing colic up to 12 months of age. It claims to reduce crying time by 50%.

Take note that this product does contain milk. The dairy comes from the whey in the product. The whey is partially hydrolyzed. This means it has been broken down into smaller parts. They are about the size of protein that you find in breast milk. This makes the protein easier to digest for the baby. Easier digestion means a calmer baby!

Also, Gerber’s SoothePro formula contains probiotics. This helps fill baby’s gut with good bacteria. At this point, the good bacteria is still trying to populate the intestines. This means the probiotics will help your baby be less fussy!

Add this Gerber’s SoothePro Formula to your list of best formulas for colic!

Enfamil Gentlease Infant Formula

Enfamil’s Gentlease formula has been clinically shown to reduce fussiness, gas and crying within the first 24 hours. It contains DHA and Choline. These are nutrients found in breastmilk that help support healthy brain development. This formula can be given to your infant up to 12 months of age. #1 formula recommended by pediatricians.

Enfamil’s Gentlease formula says on the label that it contains protein, of course. However, it does not say that those proteins are partially hydrolyzed. So there is no way to know for sure that this formula contains “breastmilk-sized” protein particles.

I looked on Enfamil’s website and it says that this formula contains “easy-to-digest proteins”. It is clinically proven to reduce fussiness, gas and crying within the first 24 hours of use.

Another great baby formula for colic!

Enfamil Enspire Gentlease Formula

What is the difference between this formula and the Enfamil formula listed above? This Enfamil Enspire Formula contains MFGM and Lactoferrin. Both you find in breastmilk. They help support brain and immune system development. This is Enfamil’s closest formula to breastmilk.

What makes this formula stand out is that it contains arachidonic acid (ARA). It is a a fatty acid essential for health. The body needs ARA for the development of all its cells. That makes it absolutely necessary! The body especially uses ARA in the nervous and immune systems and in the skeletal muscles.

Another reason to love this formula is the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) it contains. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that you find in fish. It aids in eye and nerve tissue development.

Earth’s Best Organic Formula

Earth’s Best organic sensitivity formula is a milk-based formula. However, it is made with 95% less lactose than other standard milk-based formulas. This helps reduce fussiness, gas and colic in infants. Also, it has no added corn syrup solids, which I think is awesome! This formula has everything needed to support a healthy brain, eye and immunity development. Additionally, it is made without preservatives, pesticides, growth hormones, or steroids.

You may be wondering if an organic formula has everything a baby needs for their diet. Earth’s Best organic sensitivity baby formula meets all the FDA requirements for infant nutrition. So your little one will be getting everything their bodies need for sustenance and growth without all of the bad stuff! How does that sound?

Also, this formula contains DHA and ARA. They are necessary for eye and bone development. Look to the above paragraphs under Enfamil’s Enspire baby formula to learn all their specific benefits.

Additionally, it contains lutein and iron to help in eye development. Prebiotic fiber is also an ingredient that helps support immune development.

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I hope this article was helpful to you in choosing a good formula for your baby. There are great options to choose from. Some are organic and meet FDA nutrition guidelines for infants. Many contain DHA and ARA needed for supporting a growing baby!

There are other tools out there that are great at reducing colic in your baby. This includes baby bottles that are made to reduce the amount of air your baby swallows while feeding. Another great trick to riding your baby’s tummy of air is gas drops.

Be sure to check out the related articles on reducing colic in infants below to learn more!

If you would like to learn more about colic, check out these other related articles below!

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