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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025


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What is colic in babies? By the Mayo Clinic’s definition, colic is when a baby cries for 3 or more hours a day, 3 or more days a week, for 3 or more weeks.

Colic typically heightens after 6 weeks of age and starts to subside after 3 or 4 months of life.

There are many different causes for colic, but one of the main contributors is gas in the infant’s gut.

In the following articles, I will give you resources that will help reduce the amount of gas in your infant’s gut. I will also give you tips and tricks in how to prevent colic, as well as how to ease your child’s colicky symptoms.

Are you ready for this? Let’s go!

How To Overcome The Guilt As A Mom With A Colicky Baby

Feeling guilty while dealing with a screaming infant is totally understandable! You feel like you’re doing something wrong, not good enough, or a failure because you can’t get your little one to be happy. However, the truth is you’re a wonderful mother to care your baby while they are at their worst! That’s a lot of love! Learn how you can overcome the guilt you feel by reading this article on overcoming mom guilt as a mother with a colicky baby! Click here or below to read more!


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Learn how you can overcome the mom guilt while dealing with a colicky baby! Click the button below to learn more.

How To Cope With The Screaming

A colicky baby’s crying can drive you mad! Worse, it can lead you down a path of hopelessness and depression. How are you supposed to cope with the screaming? Check out this article “Best Tips To Cope With The Screaming” to learn the best ways you can cope with a colicky baby! Click below to read all about it.

fussy infant

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If you’re feeling desperate and at your wits end, it’s understadable why. What you’re feeling is ok to feel, but don’t let it drag you down a dark and hopeless path! Get some good tips to help you cope with the screaming.

Click below to learn the best tips to cope with a colicky baby!

Getting In Public With A Colicky Baby

How do you get your normal work done while you have a screaming baby? It may seem impossible, however, there are tips that can help make your journey in public more peaceful and successful!

As a mother who has dealt with two babies who screamed for 8hrs every day for months, I’m sharing with you the best tips I’ve learned to help make your errands more peaceful! Click the button below to read my article Getting In Public With A Colicky Baby.

woman shopping

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Learn the best tips to help guide you as you live your normal daily life with a colicky baby. Going into public can be daunting and scary when you have a colicky baby. I’ve been there. I have heard people’s comments and seen their stairs. Click below to learn what has saved my grocery runs and made getting in public possible with my screaming little ones!

Anti-Colic Baby Bottles

Did you know they create baby bottles that are designed to reduce the amount of air your baby takes in during a feeding? This helps reduce the amount of gas that gets trapped in their gut, which leads to colic.

There are all sorts of anti-colic bottles! In my article, Best Bottle For Colic, I have laid out for you which ones are most loved by mothers, are most up-to-date, and most efficient. The kind of bottle you want is up to you.

Mother with baby bottle

Want To Know More?

If you want to learn more about anti-colic baby bottles and which one is right for you and your little one, click below to read all about it!

Gas Drops

What a wonder these gas drops are! If you are unfamiliar with them, baby gas drops can be given to an infant before or after a feeding to help them burp. The drops are not absorbed by the body, so they are completely safe for your little one. Also, these drops have symethicone, which is the active ingredient. It helps break down the surface tension of the air bubbles so they can be more easily burped! How neat is that?

These are a great way to prevent colic in your infant!

In my article, Best Baby Gas Drops, I lay out for you which gas drops are most loved by mothers. All of the ones I suggest are also alcohol and dye free!

bottle of medicine

Want To Know More?

Learn all about the different types of gas drops available to you by checking out my article below! Each gas drop is a great choice. It just depends on what you would like for your precious little bundle of joy! (Ok, maybe they will be more joyous when they get some gas drops and burp!)

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The “LOVE” Massage To Help Relieve Gas & Constipation

If your baby struggles from colic, gas or constipation, you should learn how to perform the “LOVE” massage on your baby. This massage helps get gas or stuck bile in your baby’s colon to keep moving in the right direction. In my article, I walk you step-by-step on how to do this massage correctly on your infant.

You will also learn how to apply essential oils correctly to your baby prior to doing the massage. This will help bring extra calm and relaxation to your baby.

Enjoy this article! Click the button below to start reading!

baby getting a massage

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Learn the Do’s and Don’t on performing the “LOVE” massage on your baby. This massage will help get things moving in your baby’s gut to help bring relief from gas or constipation. If gas or constipation is resulting in your baby crying a lot during the day, this massage may help relieve some colic as well!

Click the button below to start learning this fun, bonding, and massage technique!

Remedies For Colic

We have already discussed lots of resources to help prevent colic or help rid the amount of gas in your baby’s stomach. In this particular article, I will show you extra tips and tricks that really helped bring significant relief to my daughter’s extreme colic!

To give you an idea of how bad her colic was, first thing she would do when she woke up in the morning was cry! Then she cried for the next 5-7 hours of the day. I was miserable to say the least.

I learned of one particular technique I used with my daughter that brought her so much relief practically instantly. This technique of soothing was shown me by the specialist who fixed her tongue tie, and I was so grateful!

Learn this technique yourself and how to do it here in my article coming soon!

Formulas That Reduce Colic

If you are looking for a formula that is made specifically to reduce colic, fussiness or gas in your little one, this article is just for you!

In it, I discuss what is needed (or not!) in infant formula to reduce colic. I give you formula options that are safe to give baby up to 12 months of age that meet their nutritional needs. You will also learn what are the top recommended brands by pediatricians for colic! Finally, I inform you of recent law suits and recalls on different formula brands that you will want to avoid.

There are some great options out there for you! Be sure to read up on them and choose one that is best for you and your precious little one.

parent scooping baby formula into bottle

Want To Know more?

Interested in knowing more about how to choose a baby formula that is right for you? Click below to learn which formulas you need to avoid, what makes a good anti-colic formula, how to make sure your little one is getting all the nutrients they need, and more!

Massaging Baby To Soothe Colic

Adult holding infant's feet

Does offering baby a massage really help reduce colicky symptoms? Some mothers have great success with infant massaging in reducing these unwanted symptoms in their baby. However, not all infants respond the same way to massages.

To help with this, in my article I teach you about safe essential oils for infants and their proper dilutions to use with these massages. You will know which essential oils actually help reduce stomach upset and colic. Also, I include a list of essential oils to avoid using around infants. This includes diffusing them.

So, in my article Colic Massage For Baby, you learn how to give a massage to help get as moving out of baby’s tummy. Also you will learn how to use essential oils safely in your massages to bring extra relief to your little one.

Chamomile essential oil for colicky baby

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Click below to learn all about how to give a colic massage to your infant with safe essential oils!

Best Swings For Colic Baby

happy baby

Having a good swing can really help reduce your baby’s colicky symptoms. It is important to choose the right swing, though. Some swings may bring more stomach-upset to your little one.

In my article, Best Swing For Colic Baby, I lay out which swings mothers love, are great at reducing colic-related symptoms, and help soothe your baby.

I offer my experience and advice as a guide for you. Also included are a list of “What we like” and “What we don’t like” to help you make an educated decision on the best swing for you and your little one.

baby in swing

Want To Know More?

If you are interested in learning more about great swings to soothe your colicky baby, read my article below! It is rich of product information, likes and dislikes, and more to help you make an educated choice for you and your little one.

Helping Baby Pass Gas Easier

There can be several sources for colic in your baby. One of these reasons is pint up gas in their intestines. Have you ever had bloating so bad that you couldn’t move? Doesn’t it hurt? It’s super uncomfortable! I can only imagine that this is what babies feel like when they have pint up gas that’s difficult for them to pass.

How can you help your baby pass this gas easier? There is a way! It may come as a shock to you, like it was to me. However, lots of mothers love this method and have seen their babies get calmer as a result. What is it? It’s, what I call, a farter tube! Yes, I know… I know…but before you judge it, read about it in my article About Windi – The Farter Tube For Babies.

baby sleeping

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Click the button below to learn about the Windi and how it can be used to help relieve colic due to pint up gas!

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