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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025


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My heart feels for you already and we haven’t even met. If you are here, you are looking for answers to your breastfeeding struggles. Mama, I’ve been there! Breastfeeding was a struggle for me, to say the least. I suffered through it with lots of tears and frustration. How I don’t want that to be you! So, let’s talk about these common breastfeeding challenges and how you can overcome them.

My Struggle With Breastfeeding

Broken heart

“May I help?” asked the lactation consultant in the hospital. My daughter had just been born and was ready to nurse. If I had known what she meant by “help” was grab my boob and my baby’s head and shove the two together, I would have said, “NO!”

Unfortunately, it was too late, and that was the beginning of my breastfeeding challenges. I don’t know if my daughter ever learned to latch on correctly after that.

Six days later, I had cracked, bleeding nipples and struggled with severe engorgement. I thought I was going to die! Worse yet, I was afraid my daughter was going to die from not being able to drink enough because feeding her was too painful.

I didn’t have a breast pump. Nor did I know what a nipple shield was. I didn’t even own a single feeding bottle because I was 100% convinced I could solely breastfeed and not need any of those things.

Two other factors made my breastfeeding journey an even greater nightmare. My baby had slight tongue tie and I had inverted nipples. What the heck is tongue tie? And what are inverted nipples? I will teach you all about these subjects in the following articles.

For now, let’s just say that by you being educated NOW on what these issues are and how to detect them, it will save you the grief and pain I went through with struggling to enjoy my breastfeeding experience.

Miraculously, I breastfed my daughter for the first year of her life! And after all the pain and determination it took, I couldn’t be prouder. Eventually, I bought a breast pump and wish I had done that a whole heck of a lot sooner!

For my baby #2, I now know what to do about my slightly inverted nipples; and I will share that with you too in the following articles. I believe with my nipple being in the appropriate shape for latching, it will prevent the severe bleeding and pain I experienced the first week of motherhood!

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Do You Have The Essentials?

If you are a first time mom, you may be wondering what a mother needs to be prepared for her breastfeeding journey! I sure was, and after even just a week of nursing, there were several items I wish I had with me.

What is the best nursing pillow or breast pump to have? How about bottles or nursing pads? Ever hear of lanolin and the wonder it will do for your nipples?

You want to make sure you are as prepared as possible when it comes to breastfeeding. Check out my article on breastfeeding essentials to see what you may need to add to your list so you are as prepared as you can be!

I wish you all the best on your breastfeeding journey, Mama! May it be pleasantly wonderful for you!

Outline of mother nursing infant

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Are you prepared for breastfeeding with the necessary essentials? I want you to be! Click below to learn what are some great essentials to have on hand for your breastfeeding journey and maybe even pick up some great tips along the way!

Learn more by clicking the button below!

Best Nursing Tops That Won’t Break The Bank

From my personal story above, you know that there were some nursing essentials, like functional nursing tops, I did not have from the beginning that I wish I did.

In my article, Best Nursing Tops, I will share with you which tops I wish I had more of that saved me so much hassle. Yes, learning what type of nursing top worked best for me was a learning experience. You wouldn’t think it would be, but it was!

To find the best kind of nursing top for you, be sure to read my article by clicking below!

baby breastfeeding

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Learn what style of nursing tops are out there, which ones I fell in love with, and nursing tops appropriate for every season! Read all about it below.

Best Nursing Bras For Breastfeeding

It can be difficult to find a nursing bra that you feel comfortable in and is functional. There are all sorts of nursing bras. You can find sleeping nursing bras, pumping nursing bras, sexy nursing bras, sports nursing bras, and casual/comfortable nursing bras.

To make this easier for you, I’ve written the article Best Nursing Bras For Mothers That Won’t Break The Bank. Click the button below to check it out!

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Click the button below to find the right kind of nursing bra for you! Also, learn when is the best time to purchase a nursing bra while your body is changing during pregnancy.

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Dealing With Inverted Nipples

What are inverted nipples? Put simply, they are nipples that do not stick out as far as they should. For any given woman, this may not bother her a whole lot unless the condition is severe. However, for a mother who wants to breastfeed, even slightly inverted nipples can cause a lot of pain and stress for both the mother and baby!

In my article Inverted Nipple Corrector, learn what are inverted nipples, the 3 degrees, or severities, of inverted nipples, and at-home, non-surgical solutions you can take to correct your inverted nipples so you can breastfeed pain free!

Also, in this article I will share more of my own personal story dealing with inverted nipples and offer you my advice on which at-home solution may work best to correct inverted nipples! Click below to learn more.

baby nursing

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Do you have inverted nipples? Not sure what an inverted nipple looks like or how to correct them? Read my article to learn what are some at-home, non-surgical solutions to correcting your inverted nipples. Let’s get you back on the road to pain free breastfeeding!

Essential Oil For Breastfeeding

Yes, essential oils can be used to help stimulate the production of breast milk! If you are a mother who is struggling to produce milk, or you want to store access breast milk for your baby, you need to read my article Essential Oil For Breastfeeding!

In this article, I will teach you what essential oils work to aid in the production of breast milk, which oils should be avoided around infants and children, and how to dilute and apply the essential oil to your breast for breastfeeding.

This is a great way to naturally increase your milk production in a way that is safe for you and your baby! Click below to learn more.

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Read my article below to learn which essential oils help produce breast milk, which oils to avoid, and how to dilute and apply the oils to your breast. Click below to read all about it!

The Colicky Baby

crying baby

Colic is no joke! By definition, colic is when a baby cries excessively for hours in a day. Like 5 to 6 or more hours a day! Why a baby cries like this is often the result of gas being trapped in the stomach and intestines. This is very uncomfortable for the baby, and when they cry the entire day long, it is very unbearable for you!

I am well acquainted with colic in babies. My first child had severe colic and would cry for 5 to 7 hours a day for the first 3 or 4 months of her life! Being a first time mom, I had no idea how to help my child.

I called the practitioner’s office for advice and they said, “You’re doing everything right!” Then, I thought to myself, “Well, SOMETHING isn’t right! My child is crying all freak’n day long! Can’t someone do something to help me?!” I was desperate, but no one could offer me any more help or advice.

In my article, Why Does My Baby Have Colic?, I share with you specific things that brought relief to my poor baby. These are things that not even her pediatrician suggested to me!

You will learn tips and tricks on how to relieve your baby of colic, how to prevent it, and find practical resources for both prevention and relief. Click below to read all about it!

crying baby

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Read my article on colic in babies to learn how to prevent colic in your child, tips and tricks to bring relief to your baby, and gain resources that will actually work to relieve colic!


woman holding breasts in pain

What is engorgement? It is when the breasts are not emptied of their breast milk and the mammary ducts get clogged. When this condition becomes severe, it is called engorgement. It is very painful and sometimes difficult to find relief from.

Can I also relate to mothers struggling with engorgement? Unfortunately, yes yes yes!

My breastfeeding experience was terrible. I’m sure I was doing a couple things wrong that lead to my very severely engorged breasts.

Again, I was doing everything I knew how to bring relief to my poor ladies, but nothing was working! The pain was so bad I couldn’t sleep at night. I couldn’t roll over in bed or even sit in bed. All my brain could think about was the pain and desperately trying to find relief.

Engorgement is a very common health issue among breastfeeding mothers. Some women don’t struggle with it, which is wonderful. However, for the rest of us, we need help and we need it now!

In my article, Engorgement Remedies, I will not only share with you more of my personal struggle with engorgement, but what you can do to prevent it. Prevention is huge and can save you a lot of pain!

I will also share with you how you can bring relief to your hurting breasts and give you wonderful recourses to aid in this process! Click below to read all about it!

two red heart balloons

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In this article, learn how you can prevent engorgement, how to find relief, and find great resources to aid in this process!

Wearable Breast Pumps

What a great day and age we live in when we have cordless, portable and wearable breast pumps available to us!

There are all kinds of wearable breast pumps. Some are single electric, others are double. Others have some awesome features to them that make them loved by mothers!

You may want a wearable breast pump that doesn’t break the bank. I get that too!

I did a lot of research and wrote my findings in my article, Best Wearable Breast Pumps, so you can easily see features of each wearable breast pump and make a decision based on your own personal needs and desires.

Be sure to click below to learn more about wearable breast pumps, and find one that is just right for you!

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Check out my article on wearable breast pumps to see what mothers love, which ones have the best features, and find a wearable breast pump that fits your budget!

Overcoming Exhaustion While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is exhausting! There isn’t one breastfeeding mother who wakes up feeling refreshed and perfectly ready for the day. How can a mother overcome the exhaustion that she feels while breastfeeding? Thankfully, there are great tips and tricks out there for you!

Read my article 10 Tips To Overcome Exhaustion While Breastfeeding to learn the best ways you can get a foot up on feeling tired all the time. Click the button below to start learning!

tired woman

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Click the button below to read the 10 tips to help you overcome exhaustion while breastfeeding! You’ll be glad you did.


I commend you for desiring to breastfeed your little one. It can be a challenge, but I sure hope your experience is wonderful and blissful like it aught to be!

If you find yourself struggling, I hope the items in the following articles will bring you aid and relief. They sure helped me in my journey, and I hope they help you too!

Here’s to you and your little bundle of joy!

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