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Home » Encouragement For The Discouraged Mama

Hi Mama! If you’re reading this, it means you are hurting and in need of uplifting. Breastfeeding can be a very difficult journey. This journey can leave you feeling exhausted, discouraged, in physical pain, and maybe nudging you to give up. I want to be a source of encouragement for you in your breastfeeding journey. That’s why I’ve written this article “Encouragement For The Discouraged Mama”. Hope you can take a few minutes to read the encouragement that follows so you can continue on in your day with hope!

You Are A Good Mom!

Sometimes we hear this spoken to us, but we just don’t feel it. Often it’s easier for people on the outside to see how well we are doing, but it’s difficult for us to see it.

Here’s a simple checklist for you to help you see you’re a good mom.

  • Do you meet your baby’s hunger needs?
  • When your baby has a dirty/wet diaper, do you change them?
  • Do you soothe their crying?
  • When your baby is tired, do you put them down for a nap?
  • Are you up at night caring for their routine needs?
  • Do you find yourself assessing your baby to understand their different cries and what they mean?

Here is some encouragement for the discouraged mama. This is a very simple and NOT exhaustive list of what you do day in and day out! You are putting all of your time and energy into ensuring your baby is thriving. That’s love!

You are a good mom for loving and caring for your baby! I know breastfeeding is challenging and you may feel really discouraged right now, but you are doing great. You’re putting your baby’s needs before your own and loving them the best you can!

What Is Best?

Undoubtedly you’ve heard “breast is best”. While there is truth to that statement, we need to consider the other side of this coin. If the breast is best, then what happens to the mother (like myself) whose milk supply drops? What do we do then? Do we only give breastmilk since breast is best?

As a first time mom, I did this. I was so against formula that I did not offer it to my baby when my milk supply dropped. I only offered it to my baby once the pediatrician told me I needed to supplement because my baby wasn’t gaining weight properly.

Breastmilk may be nutritionally the best option for your babies. However, we do not want our babies to suffer if our supply is low!

Instead of drilling into the minds of all mothers that breast is best, we should couple that statement with a healthy understanding of supplementing. Supplementing does not make you a bad mom! It makes you a strong mom because you know that fed is best, and you’ll do what you need to to take care of your baby! I hope that gives encouragement for the discouraged mama!

If you need to supplement with formula, there’s nothing wrong with that! Take care of your baby’s hunger needs!

If you’re looking for a way to boost your milk supply, take the free class below! You’ll learn how I was able to boost my milk supply from 1oz to 4oz!

Your Frustration Is Rooted In Deep, Deep Love

I get it! You feel like pulling your hair out, breaking a window, or screaming till you have no voice. You’ve hit your limit with the frustration you feel in regards to breastfeeding.

What do you think is causing this frustration? You want to be successful in breastfeeding? Your goal is to give your baby only breastmilk? Or maybe you’re tired and you just want to enjoy your baby? What is your reason for being frustrated?

Let’s dig deeper and find encouragement for the discouraged mama. Keep asking yourself why to each answer you give yourself. If we dig deep enough, I think most of us will realize that when we get to the very bottom of all our reasons “why” we are frustrated, it’s simply because we love our babies.

Are you frustrated because you want to be successful at breastfeeding? You love your baby so much that you want to give them the very best! Your commitment and determination not to give up reveals a very deep love and passion for your baby.

Are you frustrated with your milk supply? You love your baby so much that you want to give them the very best – your breastmilk!

Are you frustrated from being exhausted and just want to enjoy your baby? That shows you love your baby so much and want to treasure them!

Frustration in motherhood, especially during breastfeeding, is very real. Don’t feel guilty over your anger. I hope you can see that perhaps your frustration is rooted in deep, deep love for your baby!

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Your Baby Loves You Regardless

The need to supplement with formula due to low milk supply is not something to feel guilt about. Milk supply is such a common struggle. Myself included have had to supplement with formula at times in order to ensure my baby was getting enough calories!

Try to think about it from your baby’s point of view. Do they love your breastmilk? Absolutely! Are they handling formula ok? I hope so! No matter what you give your baby – breastmilk exclusively, supplementing with formula, or only formula – your baby loves you regardless! When you meet your baby’s hunger needs, it teaches them that they are in a safe, loving place. They are learning that mom (or dad) will take care of them! This learning process happens whether or not you give them breastmilk or formula. So be encouraged that you are still showing your baby love simply by meeting their hunger needs!

Your baby will always love you because you are their mother! Nothing and no one can ever take the place of their mother in their lives! Your baby loves you regardless of what you give to feed them.

Strut Your Stuff, Girl!

Personally, I know I was embarrassed when I had to go in public while breastfeeding. “What if I had a leak? Were my milk collectors noticeable? Are other people going to judge me for my screaming baby? I hate the looks I get!”

Now others are better at this than me, but there’s no need to take other people’s reactions and give them room in your mind and heart. You are a breastfeeding mother! Strut your stuff, girl!

If you need your breast pump with you, take it! Are you wearing milk collectors or nursing pads? Don’t worry what others think (they shouldn’t be looking that hard anyway!). Do you need your baby carrier and tons of burp clothes because your baby is colicky and has reflux? Take everything you need and strut your stuff!

Our society may have forgotten what a breastfeeding mother looks like. If you remind them by how you look in public, you’re spreading the awareness of breastfeeding! Good for you!

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Want To Learn More?

If you enjoyed this article, check out other related articles on milk supply below!

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3 Tips To Increase Your Emergency Stash Of Frozen Breastmilk

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What Kills Milk Supply?

Why Do Some Mothers Underproduce?

By Kelsey

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