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Home » Best Tips To Maintaining Milk Supply While Traveling

Breastfeeding mothers who need to travel often have one burning question on their mind – how do I keep my milk supply up while traveling? Since this is a very common question among breastfeeding mothers, we are going to explore answers to that question here! Whether you need to travel due to work, a emergency in the family, vacation, a wedding, or just for fun, breastfeeding mothers need to have some tips to help them maintain a good milk supply while traveling! In this article, you will learn the best tips to maintain milk supply while traveling and warning signs that your milk supply might drop! Are you ready? Let’s get to it!

Tip 1: Stay Hydrated

One great tip to maintain milk supply while traveling is to stay hydrated! I don’t know about you, but when I travel, I try not to drink too much water. Why? I don’t want to need to stop every half hour! Why is this bad for breastfeeding mothers?

Your body needs plenty of water in order to make breastmilk for your baby. If you are dehydrated, odds are, your baby will be too! Ensuring you are drinking plenty of water while you travel will help in maintaining a good milk supply.

There are some signs of dehydration you should be mindful of while traveling. Dehydration means low milk production! Look out for these warning signs. When you feel thirsty all the time, your urine is a dark yellow color, you have a headache, or your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth you need to drink more water! Do your best to stay hydrated while traveling so your body can be better equipped to maintain milk supply while traveling.

If you are struggling with staying hydrated while breastfeeding, fill out the form below to gain more tips on how you can best stay hydrated throughout your day!

Tip 2: Pack Snacks!

Another great tip to maintain milk supply while traveling is to keep up your caloric intake! While you are breastfeeding, your body needs extra calories to make breastmilk. What are some simple, healthy snacks that you could pack along for your travel? Below are some ideas.

  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Peanut butter
  4. Trail mix
  5. Pistachios (high in protein!)
  6. ABC Bars from Trader Joes (gluten free and good source of protein and calories!)
  7. Crackers
  8. Chocolate

Your body and baby will thank you for snacking while you travel! It will help keep your energy and caloric intake up so your body can perform at its best!

Tip 3: Add 1-2 Scoops Of Lactation Booster To A Morning Smoothie Before Leaving The House!

lactation booster

I LOVE Milk Bliss and how it naturally boost milk supply! When I was struggling to keep my milk supply up, I would add just one scoop of Milk Bliss’s Lactation Booster to a smoothie. By the next day, I was producing 1-2 oz. more PER FEEDING!

I REALLY love Milk Bliss! They are based in the USA, make all their products within the USA, and all their products are full of galactagogues – foods that naturally boost milk supply! What I love about their lactation booster is that it is gluten free, soy free, dairy free, and can be added to practically any drink or meal! It’s easily portable as well, so you can pack it and use it easily while traveling!

What is nice about using the Lactation Booster while traveling is that if you are struggling to eat enough, adding one or two scoops of the lactation booster to your daily routine could help maintain your milk supply!

You can learn more about Milk Bliss’s Lactation Booster here!

Use the code KELSEY20 to get 20% off your first order!

This is a great, simple way to maintain/boost your milk supply while you travel! If you are concerned about producing more milk, I would recommend wearing milk collectors. Milk collectors are silicone cups that fit comfortably inside your tank or bra and catch any letdown milk you have! No worries for leaking or soaking your clothes in public!

Learn more about milk collectors in my article Breastfeeding Essentials, or by clicking the button below!

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Tip 4: Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

I know traveling is no small feat for a breastfeeding mother! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed about all the little details. However, stress only hurts your milk supply…like a LOT!

Instead of stressing, try to relax. Think about the positives about your travel. What will you be able to do that you’ve been looking forward to? Who will you be seeing that will bless your heart? Are there other blessings you could count along your traveling journey? If your baby is traveling with you, count that as a blessing – that your baby IS able to travel!

Tip 5: Wear A Wireless Breast Pump!

While traveling, you are going to want to be as hands free as possible! One way to keep your milk supply up is to maintain the demand on your body for milk. Basically that means to feed your baby often or pump if you’re going to miss a feeding!

However, if you’re traveling alone, odds are you don’t have the time or ability to sit plugged into the wall somewhere with your breast pump while managing your baby! Even if you’re not traveling alone, who wants to be hooked up to a breast pump and haul that huge thing around? You already have enough luggage as it is! I have done this, and let me tell you, if I had known about wearable/wireless breast pumps, I would have bought one! It would have saved me SO much time and stress!

Wearable breast pumps can fit inside your bra! This leaves your hands free to drive, walk, or take care of your baby!

I have written an article called The Best Wearable Breast Pumps that explains the features of the most loved wearable breast pumps out there! Be sure to check out that article to learn which wearable breast pump would best suite your needs for travel!

Take The Free Class!

Would you like to boost your milk production? Take advantage of our free class “3 Tips To Naturally Boosting Milk Supply!” by filling out the form below!

Leave A Comment!

woman on computer

What tip from this article was most helpful for you? Leave a comment below sharing your thoughts with us! If you have other great ideas on maintaining milk supply while traveling, share them with us in the comments below!

Want To Learn More?

To learn more helpful information to help you in your journey to maintaining and healthy milk supply, check out these other related articles below!

The Breastfeeding Accelerator Course

Encouragement For The Discouraged Mama

Exercise And Milk Supply – What You Need To Know

How Common Is It For Mothers To Struggle With Milk Production?

3 Tips To Help You Increase Your Emergency Stash Of Frozen Breastmilk

This One Thing Helped Me Produce 1-2oz More Per Feeding!

What Are Galactagogues?

What Kills Milk Supply?

Why Do Some Mothers Underproduce?

By Kelsey

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