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Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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Desperate times call for desperate measures! Dealing with a fussy or colicky baby due to gas can leave both your baby and you at your wits end. In your attempt to find answers for your baby, you may have heard about a little device called the Windi. What is it? How does it work? What do mothers say about the successfulness of using it? How do babies like it? In this article, you are going to learn what you need to know about Windi so you can make an educated decision on if this product would benefit your baby. Read below to learn all about it!

What Is A Windi?

You may have heard from other moms about the Windi tube to help temporarily relieve gas or constipation for your baby. When I first learned of the Windi, I was a little shocked by the idea. Sticking a tube up your baby’s butt didn’t sound appealing to me. I was even more surprised to hear friends of mine talk about how they loved it and how their baby loved it!

What is it exactly? It’s a small tube-like catheter you insert into baby’s rectum to help them pass stubborn gas. Disgusting….I know! However, if your baby is really suffering from gas and very uncomfortable all the time, this may be something you want to consider. Other mothers have had success using it. Perhaps it will benefit your baby too?

The Windi has also been used to help constipated babies poo. It’s used the same way as to help pass gas (discussed below). However, instead of gas coming out…um….yeah you got the idea! Be sure to have an extra diaper or cloth on hand to catch everything.

How Do You Use It?

The Windi is simple to use. Just add a little bit of lubricant to the tip of the applicator, then insert the tube into your baby’s butt. You should not need to insert the tube super deep. Just far enough to help open things up to allow air to pass.

You will know the farter tube is working when you hear the “ptsssss” of passing gas! After you are done using the tube, discard! Do not reuse the tube. For the next use, grab a new tube from the pack and repeat the process.

Is It A Good Remedy For Colic?

About 80% of users are satisfied with how the Windi assists their baby in passing gas. This may help temporarily relieve the symptoms of colic. One important point to remember is that colic can be due to a number of things. Remember, colic, by definition, is simply a lot of crying. Learn more about this in my article, What Is Colic? Also check out Why Does My Baby Have Colic to dig deeper in the subject. If your baby is crying because of pint up gas, the Windi may help bring temporary relief.

baby over moms shoulder crying

Most mothers are satisfied with the results using the Windi gives to their babies. For some, they say this is a “must have” for mothers! On the other hand, one mother said that after she used the Windi, her baby was soothed for about 20 minutes before her baby seemed upset by gas again.

Remember, each baby is different, and each baby may respond differently to the Windi. Again, most mothers say that the Windi helps to bring relief to their baby’s from pint-up gas. This relief may last longer for some than it does for others.

Additionally to gas, mothers have also used it to help relieve constipation in their baby. If you use it for this reason, be prepared for the poop to follow!

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Do Babies Like It?

This question can have mixed answers. Do babies enjoy using the Windi? Of course, some may not enjoy having a tub stuck up their butt. I don’t think I would either! Baby may seem irritated or uncomfortable while the Windi is being inserted.

On the other side of the coin, babies may greatly enjoy the relief they feel when they don’t have gas hurting their stomach any more! Or if baby is constipated, finding relief from that could be a major win for both mom and baby!

So do babies like the Windi? Yes and no. You’ll need to decide for yourself if the pros outweigh the cons for your baby.

Pro’s And Con’s

silhouette of mom holding baby in the air

Let’s talk about the pros and cons of using something like the Windi to help your baby fart.

First, one pro is that is brings temporary relief to the baby. If the baby is soothed, mom may also get some relief as well! Just remember that the time of respite from the pint up gas or constipation may vary from baby to baby. However, many mothers say the Windi is a must-have.

Now let’s discuss one very important con. When you use the Windi, your baby may become dependent on it to pass gas. This is because the gas is passed without your baby needing to try. Life is simple and great for them at that point! Just remember that using the Windi frequently may lead to dependency on the Windi. Allow your baby time to pass gas on their own in addition to using the farter tube to prevent dependency.

One mother suggested to only use the Windi as a last resort, because of the dependency factor. Personally, I also know a mother who said something similar. She loved using this tool to help her son fart. However, she was not aware of the dependency her son would develop using it frequently.

Click the button below to see if the Windi is right for you and your baby.

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Want To Learn More?

If you would like to learn more about colic, check out these related articles below!

What Is Colic?

Best Bottle For Colic

Best Baby Gas Drops

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Best Formula For Colic

Getting In Public With A Colicky Baby

Best Swing For Colic Baby

How To Overcome The Guilt As A Mother With A Colicky Baby

Best Ways To Cope With The Screaming

The “LOVE” Massage For Gas & Constipation

By Kelsey

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