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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025
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Home » 3 Tips To Increasing Your Emergency Stash Of Frozen Breastmilk

It’s a great idea to have extra frozen breastmilk on hand in case you experience a sudden drop in your milk supply for whatever reason. Many mothers start to do this, but then struggle to increase their stash after they hit a certain amount. Or some mothers desire to have an emergency stash of frozen breastmilk, but don’t know how to start one or are not producing enough to start one. How do you overcome these challenges? How do you really bulk up and save a nice supply of emergency breastmilk? In this article, I will share with you three tips to increasing your emergency stash of frozen breastmilk! Are you excited? Let’s get started!

Tip 1. Wear Milk Collectors

I was able to save around 40 ounces of breastmilk just from wearing milk collectors! Can you imagine all of that wasted?

The first time I put my milk collectors on I felt empowered! No more worrying over soaked clothes, wearing nursing pads, or being embarrassed in public!

I was sure to purchase milk collectors that could be worn at night because this was when I leaked the most! How cool to wake up in the morning with 2-4 ounces of milk to save AND clean sheets! I found this to really save me stress and benefited my mental health.

What We Love About Them

  1. Saves let-down milk
  2. Empowers you!
  3. No nursing pads
  4. Dry shirts and bras throughout the day!
  5. Saves you from washing your sheets every day (or sleeping with a towel)!

What We Don’t Love About Them

  1. Cannot be worn 24/7 (unless otherwise noted). Your nipples still need air.
  2. Some may not like sleeping with the collectors on as they are hard.
  3. May be awkward giving hugs…

Personally, I wish every mother knew about milk collectors! I introduced them to my sister when she had her baby and she fell in love with them like I did!

Click below to learn more about milk collectors!

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Tip 2. Use A Haakaa Pump

Another tip to increasing your emergency stash of frozen breastmilk is to use a Haakaa pump. Lots of mothers have had great success using their Haakaa pumps in increasing their emergency stash of breastmilk!

When I got my Haakaa pump, I had no idea how to use it. I eventually gave up and gave it away. Later I learned how to use it correctly and it made so much more sense!

The directions say to squeeze the pump like a hand-held breast pump. However, this is wrong! The correct way of using the Haakaa pump is to gently squeeze the pump so that there’s about as much suction as what your baby would be putting on your nipple. Then place it on your boob. The suction should hold it there in place.

Next you simply nurse your baby, and while you have let-downs, the Haakaa pump draws out and collects that milk!

What We Love About It

  1. Actively draws out milk while you nurse
  2. Loved by lots of mothers
  3. Highly recommended among mothers and lactation consultants

What We Don’t Love About It

  1. May be hard to get the hang of at first
  2. Some mothers believed their Haakaa gave them mastitis, although I’m not sure how common this struggle is.

Some mothers have boosted their emergency supply of frozen breastmilk by hundreds of ounces just from their Haakaa pump!

Click below to learn more about Haakaa pumps!

Tip 3. Pump After Feedings & Before Bed

woman sleeping in bed

Finally, the last and simple tip to increasing your emergency stash of frozen breastmilk is to pump after nursing sessions and before going to bed.

This simple tip was recommended by several mothers, which also means that it worked for them! However, some mothers may struggle with this if their body is dropping in milk supply or not producing excess breastmilk. If you need tips on how to boost your milk supply, check out my free class “3 Secrets To Naturally Boosting Milk Supply” listed in the side bar! Or simply fill out the form below.

If you need recommendations on the best type of breast pump for you, read my article Best Wearable Breast Pumps. You will learn not just about wearable breast pumps, but what all of the types of breast pumps are and how you can find the right one for you.

Some insurance companies will give breastfeeding mothers a new breast pump for free! Be sure to call your insurance or even your lactation consultant about how this process can be done.

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What encouraged you from this article? What steps are you planning to take to increase your emergency stash of frozen breastmilk? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us!

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