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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025
lactation booster
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Home » This One Simple Thing Helped Me Produce 1-2 More Ounces Of Milk Per Feeding!

Boosting milk supply is a very common desire among breastfeeding mothers. We want to be 1,000% assured that our bodies are meeting the growing demands of our babies. The sad thing is that many mothers struggle to boost their milk supply. This is another very common struggle among breastfeeding mothers! Today I am going to share with you this one simple thing that helped me produce 1-2 more ounces of milk per feeding! It’s super simple, not time consuming at all, and fits right into your daily routine! Ready to learn what it is? Let’s get to it!

My Low Milk Production

I struggled with low milk production while breastfeeding my first baby. Due to stress, low calorie intake, and extreme colic, it was very very hard for me to keep my milk production up.

When I became pregnant with my second baby, I decided that I wanted something to help boost my milk supply. I wanted to be 1,000% assured that my body was producing enough milk for my baby! Thank goodness I found something that allowed my body to produce 1-2 more ounces per feeding! I am excited to share this with you today!

Lactation Booster By Milk Bliss

lactation booster

I discovered this Lactation Booster by Milk Bliss and decided to give it a try. It is a powder made from foods that boost milk production. These would be foods like oats and sweet potatoes. After using it the first time, I definitely could tell my body was producing more milk the next day! I was curious to tell how much more milk I was producing, so I pumped. It was thrilling to me to see that my body was producing 1-2 more ounces per feeding just by using the lactation booster!

You can use this powder more than once a day as well. The more you use it, the more milk your body will produce!

What made me love Milk Bliss and trust them is that they are a USA-based company! Nothing is imported or made overseas. Additionally, I learned that my babies were allergic to gluten. So I immediately looked for the “Gluten-free” label on the lactation booster, which it had! Also, it is dairy free. So mothers with dairy-sensitive babies could also use the lactation booster!

Now, I really loved using this powder because it was just so simple to incorporate into my daily routine. You just take one scoop and add it to any meal, dish or drink. Personally, I was not a fan of adding it to my drinks, so I put it in smoothies instead.

Why You’ll Love It

  1. Made in the USA
  2. Gluten-free
  3. Dairy-free
  4. Easy to add to your daily routine
  5. Just add to any meal, dish or drink
  6. Made from foods that naturally boost milk production

For more goodness, use the code KELSEY20 to get 20% off your first order!

Click below to learn more!

Try The Desserts!

milk bliss cookies

If you’re more of a dessert gal, you may enjoy the desserts made by Milk Bliss! They contain the same milk-boosting ingredients that the lactation booster does, only in dessert form!

They have pre-made desserts as well as mixes you can buy. So you can choose which kind suits you best.

The only down side here is that the desserts may not be gluten-free or dairy free. So just keep that in mind while you’re checking them out here.

Again, be sure to use the code Kelsey20 to get 20% off your first purchase!

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Find Real Answers To Common Breastfeeding Challenges!

the Breastfeeding accelerator course

There’s one more thing I want to share with you that would benefit you on your breastfeeding journey!

I created The Breastfeeding Accelerator Course to help breastfeeding mothers overcome common breastfeeding challenges.

My baby and I struggled through latching, engorgement, colic, tongue-tie, pumping challenges, and more. I wasted so much time stressing over these issues and trying to find real solutions.

There are tons of mothers out there like me, and I didn’t want them to waste their precious time and energy looking for these same answers.

That’s why I created The Breastfeeding Accelerator Course!

Benefits Of The Course

  1. Gain confidence to overcome breastfeeding challenges
  2. Reach your breastfeeding goals with the knowledge you gain in this course
  3. Know exactly how to get a good, deep latch from day one
  4. Become a pro at the different nursing positions
  5. Understand your baby’s hunger cues
  6. Know the signs your baby is dehydrated
  7. Positions and tricks to get baby to burp
  8. Know the signs that your baby is drinking plenty of breastmilk
  9. Trust your breastmilk to meet your baby’s nutritional needs from day 1
  10. Understand colic: definition, causes & treatments
  11. Know how to prevent and treat sore, cracked or bleeding nipples
  12. Know what ensures a good milk supply
  13. Tools that work to prevent and treat engorgement and mastitis
  14. Learn a neat trick to save letdown milk!
  15. Learn a trick most moms don’t know about how to bring quick relief to a clogged duct
  16. Tongue-tie: what is it? How does it affect breastfeeding? Who to trust for an accurate diagnosis?
  17. Gain skills to overcome nursing strikes
  18. What to do when baby bites
  19. Learn how to find your correct flange size
  20. Steps to get your free breast pump!
  21. How to store breastmilk safely in the fridge, freezer, or at room temperature
  22. Feel no guilt in using formula while breastfeeding! Learn what is best.
  23. Learn what may be causing a poor latch when you and your baby are doing everything right (flat/inverted nipples & how to fix them at home!)
  24. Learn how to overcome painful postpartum sex & be comforted knowing you’re not alone!
  25. Dangers of BPA exposure to an infant’s development
  26. Know the growth milestones during baby’s first year!
  27. Signs your baby is ready to wean
  28. Gain peace and confidence in your breastfeeding journey by being equipped with answers and solutions for common breastfeeding problems

Leave A Comment!

Are you encouraged after reading this article? I know breastfeeding is challenging, but there are resources out there to help you through!

Leave a comment below telling us encouraged you in this article. We would love to hear from you!

Want To Learn More?

If you want to learn more about ways you can boost your milk supply, be sure to check out the articles listed below!

The Breastfeeding Accelerator Course

Best Tips To Maintain Milk Supply While Traveling

Encouragement For The Discouraged Mama

Exercise And Milk Supply – What You Need To Know

3 Tips To Increase Your Emergency Stash Of Frozen Breastmilk

8 Foods To Eat That Will Boost Your Milk Production

How Common Is It For Mothers To Struggle With Milk Supply?

Pump It Up! How To Increase Milk Supply By Pumping

The Secret To Using Essential Oils To Boost Milk Supply

What Are Galactagogues?

What Kills Milk Supply

Why Do Some Mothers Underproduce?

By Kelsey

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