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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025
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Boosting milk supply is a very hot topic among breastfeeding mothers. I see this question posted quite often on facebook groups for breastfeeding mothers: “How do I boost my milk supply?” There are several great ways to do this. Today we will be unraveling the secret to using essential oils to boost milk supply! What an exciting topic! Who knew that this was even possible! Let’s get to it!

The Secret They Hold

top secret stamp

Since lavender can dilate blood vessels, it is also perfect for using to boost milk supply! To learn how to properly apply essential oils to the breasts to boost milk supply, scroll down to “How To” section of this article.

What secret do essential oils hold to unlocking your body’s ability to boost milk supply? To understand this, you will need a brief science lesson. I love science, and I’m so excited to share this with you!

If you are familiar with essential oils, you know that they are made from the oils of various plants. These oils that are harvested and sold in bottles are highly concentrated! Each essential oil carries the ability to impact the body in some way. If used poorly, these impacts are negative. However, if used properly, these impacts are beneficial and pleasant.

The Secret Is In Your Blood!

So what’s their secret? Certain essential oils, when applied to the skin, have the ability to dilate blood vessels. What does this mean? Picture a flexible pipe. If the pipe is small, not a lot of liquid can flow threw it. When the inside of the pipe is larger, more fluid is able to pass by freely.

When your blood vessels and veins are small or restricted, not a lot of blood can flow through. On the contrary, when they are dilated, more blood is able to flow freely!

Blood Flow & Milk Supply

What’s the connection between blood flow and milk supply? I’m glad you asked! Let’s get some more science lessons in.

Your blood picks up the nutrients from the food you eat in your small intestines. It then carries those nutrients throughout the body providing energy for the body to complete various tasks. When blood reaches your mammary glands, you guessed it! It is providing energy and “supplies” for your mammary glands to make breast milk for your baby! Pretty cool, huh?

Are you putting two and two together now? More blood flow = more nutrients to your mammary glands. more nutrients to your mammary glands = more breast milk!

Essential Oils That Dilate Blood Vessels

It should be noted that certain essential oils should not be used (applied or diffused) on or near infants as it can cause irritation or harm to them. The essential oils listed below are safe to use around infants.


lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is a well-loved and very popular essential oil. It is probably most well known for its calming effect on the body. Lots of women use it as a relaxant and skin aid.

One reason why it is great for the skin is because of its ability to dilate blood vessels. Blood is also a healer for the body as it brings healing properties and takes away the bad properties.

Benefits Of Lavender

Lavender contains so many benefits for the body! Check out the list below.

  • Reduces stress
  • Aids in better sleep
  • Great for the skin!
  • Infection fighting properties
  • An anti-microbial
  • An anti-bacterial
  • An anti-inflammatory
  • Fights depression and anxiety
  • Natural bug repellent


basil essential oil

Typically basil essential oil is thought of for cooking. However, it does carry amazing properties for the body as well. Of course it dilates blood vessels as well, which is why it is listed here!

Benefits Of Basil

  • Dilates blood vessels and helps boost circulation in the body
  • Natural pain reliever
  • Lowers stress
  • Fights cold symptoms and fevers
  • Natural anti-bacterial & anti-fungal agent
  • Natural bug repellent!


geranium essential oil

What is geranium essential oil? Geranium is a type of flower and the oil is taken from it to make the essential oil.

Many women love geranium essential oil! Below are some of the benefits that help you know why it is so loved. Also, one reason why it is great for postpartum mothers is due to its ability to even out hormone levels. Pretty neat!

Additionally, it does dilate blood vessels and can help in boosting milk supply!

Benefits Of Geranium

  • Helps even hormonal levels
  • Reduces acne breakouts
  • An anti-inflammatory
  • An anti-microbial and anti-bacterial
  • Has the ability to fight some bacterial infection strains as well as amoxicillin
  • Relieves stress, anxiety and depression

How To Properly Use These Essential Oils To Boost Milk Supply

Essential oils must be used properly. Just like you need to respect your prescriptions and take them properly, essential oils must also be respected and used properly.

Essential oils should NEVER be ingested! This can lead to serious harm in the body.

Essential oils should also NEVER be applied directly to the skin. This is because they are highly concentrated solutions. Doing so will lead to burns on the skin. Personally, I have had this happen to me. Also, I added a couple drops of lavender oil to my bath once, and it still burned my skin because it did not mix evenly in the water. (Go figure! Water and oil do not mix!)

Essential oils must be diluted in something called a carrier oil before applying to the body. These “carry” the essential oil and make them safe to apply to the skin.

Good Carrier Oils

Almond Oil


Almond oil makes a great carrier oil! What I love about almond oil is that it has its own list of benefits for the body. So when you mix it with your essential oil, it’s like you’re doubling the benefit for yourself!

Almond oil is high in vitamin E and antioxidants. This makes it great for the skin and hair!

Simply eating almonds (remember never ingest essential oils!) can lower cholesterol, decrease risk of heart disease, and boost memory!

Jojoba Oil

jojoba oil and flowers

Oddly named and hard to pronounce, Jojoba oil is another great carrier oil. Personally, I love using jojoba oil. I love the feel of it on my skin. Knowing it carries additional benefits for my skin also makes it a favorite of mine.

Jojoba oil is great for the skin and contains its own benefits for the body including:

  1. Natural moisturizer
  2. An antioxidant
  3. A natural antibacterial
  4. It’s hypoallergenic. Allergic reactions to jojoba oil are rare (Healthline)
  5. May help treat acne
  6. Soothes sunburns
  7. Great for the skin

Coconut Oil

coconut chunks

Personally, I find coconut oil difficult to use as a carrier oil, unless previously warmed up. It is solid at room temperature, which makes it difficult to mix in the liquid essential oil. However, coconut oil is often used as a carrier oil.

Olive Oil

olive oil in a bowl

Great for cooking and great for the skin! Surprisingly, it does not feel oiling when applied to your skin. Olive oil is a great choice for a carrier oil if you already have it in your home.

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How To Dilute Essential Oils Properly For Boosting Milk Supply

Follow this chart to properly dilute your lavender, geranium or basil essential oil to boost milk supply!

how to properly dilute essential oils for boosting milk supply

Do’s and Don’ts

Follow these rules while using essential oils to boost milk supply.

  1. Do NOT apply these essential oils to your nipples. For one, it may be slightly uncomfortable for you since the skin on that part of the body is sensitive. Additionally, we do not want any essential oils being ingested by baby! Only apply these appropriately diluted essential oils to your breasts.
  2. Be sure to allow enough time before feeding or pumping to allow the oils to dry on your skin. This prevents any oil from getting into your breastmilk or accidentally into your baby’s mouth. If there’s not enough time between applying and feedings, then wipe that area of your breast off with a towel before feeding/pumping.

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Want To Learn More?

If you loved this article “The Secret To Using Essential Oils To Boost Milk Supply” then you’ll also love these other articles on milk supply! More coming soon!

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3 Tips To Increase Your Emergency Stash of Frozen Breastmilk

8 Foods To Eat That Will Boost Your Milk Production

How Common Is It For Mothers To Struggle With Milk Production?

Pump It Up! How To Increase Milk Supply By Pumping

What Kills Milk Supply?

This One Simple Thing Helped Me Produce 1-2oz more Milk Per Feeding!

(More coming next week!)

By Kelsey

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