Do you find yourself constantly wondering what foods and drinks to be careful of while breastfeeding? Is alcohol safe to drink for breastfeeding mothers? What about if you want to have fish for dinner? Should you eat it or not? Do you enjoy coffee? Are there certain spices you should avoid while breastfeeding? In this article, we will look at foods and drinks that breastfeeding mothers should be knowledgable about before consuming them. We will also discuss of certain foods or drinks should be avoided all together. So let’s get to it!
There are very little foods that if you eat it while breastfeeding will bring harm to your baby. We will definitely talk about those foods here. However, it should be noted that a lot of times when people talk about foods to avoid while breastfeeding, they are really talking about what foods may cause your baby to become colicky or refuse your milk/breast. So when you read articles online that say “stay away from chocolate, garlic, leafy green vegetables, dairy”; what they really are saying is that those foods have been known to cause colic or other tummy issues in infants who breastfeed.
However, that is not the experience for every single baby. My children handled spicy, garlicky food just fine! I could eat any vegetable I wanted and the baby wasn’t upset. Eating chocolate actually did wonders for making my breastmilk super creamy and rich for my baby. The caffeine in the chocolate didn’t seem to keep them awake at all!
So take what you read with a grain of salt. Don’t go all out and cut everything out of your diet that could possibly cause your baby to be colicky. You still need to eat too!
If you think something you are eating may be causing your baby to be upset or colicky, read my article Why Does My Baby Have Colic to learn how to use the process of elimination to see which food is upsetting your baby.
Don’t go all aout and cut everything out of your diet that could possibly cause your baby to be colicky. You still need to eat too!
Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding
Now let’s talk about food to avoid or be careful of while breastfeeding. Which foods actually can harm your baby that you really should not eat at all while breastfeeding? If you’re concerned of your baby becoming colicky or refusing your breastmilk, which foods should we be aware of that might cause this to happen? Let’s talk about all of that now.
NOTE: Only eliminate a certain vegetable from your diet while breastfeeding if you KNOW that it is causing your baby colic or other issues. Not every baby has trouble with vegetables, and Mama still has to eat too!
Certain Kinds of Fish – King Mackerel & Swordfish

What is mercury? It is a chemical found in fish that can, in large amounts, can bring harm to an infant or child’s development. Mercury can damage the development of an infant or child’s nervous system and brain. This can lead to delayed achievement of certain milestones like walking or speaking.
Breastfeeding and pregnant women should avoid certain kinds of fish due to higher levels of mercury. Mothers who eats fish may have raised levels of mercury in their bodies. Mercury can pass from the mother to the baby in her breast milk or through the placenta.
So which fish should mothers avoid while pregnant or breastfeeding? They are the king mackerel and swordfish. These types of fish have higher levels of mercury and pose potential developmental damage to an infant or child.
Fish That Are Safe For Mothers To Eat

If you enjoy fish and the Omega-3 you get from them, be encouraged! There are some fish that are considered safe for a pregnant or breastfeeding mother to eat! Fish that are safe for mothers to consume are tilapia, salmon and trout. Even though these fish do contain some mercury, the level of mercury in these fish is lower than that of swordfish or king mackerel and are considered safe for mothers to eat in small amounts.
However, you do need to know that it is recommended to eat no more than 6 oz of fish twice a week.
Fish to avoid while pregnant or breastfeeding: King mackerel & swordfish.
Fish safe to eat while pregnant or breastfeeding: tilapia, salmon and trout.
It is recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers to not eat more than 6 oz of fish twice a week.
Reading “chocolate” above might have just made your heart sink, but don’t worry! Remember, what experts say to be careful of eating while breastfeeding mostly relates to food items that can make your baby gassy, upset, or colicky. However, not every baby reacts to these foods.

Like my babies. They were never bothered by chocolate! I ate it every day to help keep my milk rich and creamy for them. Boy did it do a good job!
Chocolate is on the list because of the caffeine in it. As you’ll learn later in this article, caffeine can make it harder for your baby to sleep. It can also make it harder for your baby’s body to absorb iron, which is critical for their growth and development.
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Spices To Avoid
Did you know that there are certain spices to avoid while breastfeeding? They do not pose a risk to your baby’s health. However, they should be avoided while breastfeeding because they can decrease your milk supply!
Below are the spices you should avoid if you want to maintain a healthy milk supply.
Peppermint, Sage & Parcely
All three of these spices have been known to reduce a breastfeeding mother’s ability to produce milk. If you are experiencing a drop in your milk production and don’t know why, consider if you’re eating any of these three spices.
For some women, peppermint flavored candy or toothpaste may also cause their breastmilk to decrease. Keep a mental note of where you get these flavors from and if you notice how they impact milk production.
Hot Spices

Red pepper flakes are a favorite of mine, and do not affect my baby’s at all. However, some babies do not like the way their mother’s breastmilk tastes after they consume something spicy. This can cause them to refuse their mother’s breastmilk.
Drinks To Avoid While Breastfeeding
Below are certain beverages to either limit or avoid while breastfeeding and the reasons why.

According to La Leche League, depending on how much alcohol you drink, alcohol may reduce milk production. Additionally, alcohol may prohibit your body from expressing milk from your breast efficiently. That means milk will not be flowing from you to your baby’s mouth as efficiently or as freely as it could.
Also according to La Leche League, a study was done by Menella over the course of several years to study the consumption of alcohol and its affects on breastfeeding. The study found that infants drank 20% less breastmilk when the mother drank alcohol. However, the mothers often thought that their babies were getting enough milk because the babies would drink for the same amount of time and with the same frequency throughout the day.
Consuming alcohol may reduce milk production in breastfeeding women.
Alcohol also hinders breastmilk from flowing freely from the mom to the baby.
A study found that infants drank 20% less breastmilk when the mother drank alcohol.
If you are struggling with milk production, or worried if your baby is getting enough milk or not, play it safe and stay away from alcohol.
Another important note to consider is that newborns’ bodies are not able to process alcohol well. If you want to enjoy an occasional drink, it is recommended to wait to drink alcohol while breastfeeding at least until your baby is 8 weeks old or older.
If you want to enjoy an occasional drink, it is recommended to wait to drink alcohol while breastfeeding until your baby is 8 weeks old or older. Their bodies cannot appropriately process alcohol.
Caffeinated Drinks

Caffeine is very much a part of the American diet and lifestyle. It’s often part of every morning routine to grab a cup of coffee to help you wake up and get going with your day. Did you know that caffeine can impact your baby’s health?
Just like caffeine can impact your ability to fall asleep, your baby may also experience difficulty sleeping after you drink caffeine.
Additionally, caffeine makes it hard for the body to absorb iron. Iron is vital for red blood cell development and having energy to grow. Your baby’s ability to absorb iron from your breastmilk may be hindered if you consume caffeine. Moreover, your body’s ability to absorb iron may be hindered while you consume caffeine. So your baby is getting a double whammy!
It is recommended to avoid sipping anything with caffeine while also eating iron-rich foods such as lean meats and leafy greens.
Caffeine can make it hard for your baby to sleep.
Caffeine also makes it difficult for your body and your baby’s body to absorb iron, which is vital to red blood cell development and energy levels.
Want To Know More?
If you enjoyed this article on Foods And Drinks To Be Careful Of While Breastfeeding, then you’ll enjoy these other articles related to nutrition and breastfeeding! Check them out below.
Does What I Eat Affect My Breastmilk?
Healthy Calories And Breastmilk – Does What You Eat Impact Your Milk?
How Much Water Should A Breastfeeding Mother Drink?
Medications That May Decrease Milk Supply
Why Eating Enough Should Be Your Goal Instead Of Losing Weight
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