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Home » What Is The Pelvic Floor?

Pelvic floor health. It is important! You probably know this, but may be wondering, “What is the pelvic floor?” Great question! How are you supposed to care for your pelvic floor if you don’t know what it is, right? Well, that’s just what you’re going to learn here. In this article, you will learn what is the pelvic floor, what are its functions and importance in the body, and how can you best care for it. Are you ready to dive in? Let’s go! (We will refer to the pelvic floor as “PF” in some places.)

What Is The Pelvic Floor?

Images of the pelvic floor and uterus
Used with permission from SJ Crew (Sharny & Julius)

The PF is a group of muscles that sits right under your body. Look at the image above. In the top right corner you will see a great example of what the PF is. It is described here as a hammock that supports the body from underneath. Everyone has a PF. For the female, the PF is a muscle that supports the bladder, uterus and colon. It stretches from the public bone in the front all the way to the tale bone in the back.

What Does The Pelvic Floor Do?

Now you know where your pelvic floor is and how it supports the body. You may be wondering now what is its importance? What does the PF do? How does it benefit the body? These are great questions! Let’s look at what the job of the PF is.

Supports Your Reproductive & Bodily Organs

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Your pelvic floor supports your reproductive organs. This includes your vagina and the entire uterus. Consequently, your PF has an important role in sex! A strong PF means your body will function appropriately where it matters most (bladder, uterus and colon). For sex, it means a tighter and stronger vagina! If you have a weak PF, you may be experiencing a difficult time feeling anything or enjoying much of sex. A strong PF means you will be able to squeeze harder and enjoy more during sex!

The Pelvic Floor Supports Your Bladder

sticky note that says "oops"

Secondly, the pelvic floor helps support your bladder and colon. A strong PF means you will be able to hold your pee and not leak involuntarily. As you get older, many women need to wear Depends underwear because they have a weak “bladder”. However, they may not realize part of their problem is they may also have a weak PF!

A strong PF means you will be able to control your bladder and its contents. You will be able to pee when you want to, and hold it in until you’re ready to go! This is an issue even young women (mothers in their 20s! Myself included) struggle with. so don’t think this is just an issue for older women. Any woman who has had a baby needs to strengthen her PF so she can have good bladder health!

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The Pelvic Floor Supports The Colon

a cart of toilet paper

Additionally, your pelvic floor supports your colon. It plays a role in helping your body poop. The PF helps keep things inside until it’s time for everything to come out. A strong PF helps the body have good control of the anal canal.

Hemorrhoids! Another very common issue after giving birth. Since the PF supports the colon, it also plays a role in preventing hemorrhoids. A strong PF helps hold everything in and up, including hemorrhoids!

Prevents Organ Prolapse

Finally, another function of the pelvic floor is preventing organ prolapse. This can be a scary thing to consider! Prolapse is when your organs slide a little bit because they are not properly supported by the muscles and tissue that should be holding it up. Remember your PF is like a hammock under you. It supports everything from underneath. When your PF is strong, your organs are well supported. Everything functions how it should. However, a weak PF may lead to the organs sliding, since they are not supported well.

Think of a shopping bad. What is its role? Its job is to hold all the groceries. However, what happens when the bottom of the bag gets weak? The produce may spill out the bottom. This is an idea of what happens to your body when you don’t have a strong PF.

How To Strengthen The Pelvic Floor

There are some great programs out there to help you strengthen your pelvic floor. One of the most affordable and practical ones I’ve come across is Strong Core & Pelvic Floor. It is by a mother named Sharny who completely changed her life by toning her core and PF.

Also, she suffered from hemorrhoids after having six children. She was able to strengthen her PF to the point where she didn’t suffer from her hemorrhoids anymore! I have taken her course and absolutely love it! You can learn more about it by clicking the button below.

If you would rather strengthen your PF on your own at home, you can do that too. However, you will need kegal balls. They are designed for PF strengthening and help you build more muscle than just doing regular kegal exercises.

Kegal balls come in all different shapes, colors, and functions. You can learn more about kegal balls by clicking the button below. Or you can read my article Best Kegal Balls For Strengthening The Vagina, to learn about kegal balls and how to use them to strengthen your PF!


Now you know what is the pelvic floor. You are well educated now on what its function is in the body. It is a muscle that stretches from your pubic bone all the way to your colon. Everyone has a pelvic floor. It is like a hammock that supports the organs of the body. These organs include the bladder, uterus and colon for females. A strong pelvic floor means healthy functioning of the bladder, uterus and colon! A weak pelvic floor means risk of involuntary peeing, poor sex, hemorrhoids, and organ prolapse.

The good news is you can strengthen your pelvic floor and prevent (or even heal some!) these health conditions! You can learn more about these topics below!

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Want To Know More?

If you would like to learn more about perineal and vaginal health, check out these related articles below!

Best Kegal Balls For Strengthening The Vagina

How A Strong Vagina Impacts Women’s Health

Perineal Tears: Prevention And Care

The Pelvic Floor Wand – How To Relax And Massage The Pelvic Floor Muscles

Best Vaginal Moisturizers and Lubricants

By Kelsey

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