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Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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What is resiliency and why is it important? Mothers will benefit greatly in their motherhood journeys by building resiliency. How does that happen? We will explore how to go about building resiliency in motherhood and more in this article. Read below to learn all about it!

What Is Resiliency

Woman showing off strong arm with tattoo that says "Mom life"

How do you tend to respond when plans don’t go how you want them to? Do you tend to loose your cool and dwell on the problem, or do you look past the issue and have a positive attitude?

When you have good resiliency, you are able to “bounce back” from set backs in life. Resiliency is the ability to find equilibrium after a bad event. For example, if you find out that your babysitter fell through and you won’t be able to go to that night out you’ve been looking forward to for weeks, good resiliency will help you see the good in the situation and move on.

5 Reasons Building Resiliency In Motherhood Is Important

  1. Lower risk of depression
  2. Helps you find enjoyment in life
  3. Gives you the ability to better handle stress
  4. Lower risk of anxiety
  5. Help you overcome past trauma

There are many great benefits for building resiliency in motherhood! Having good resiliency lowers your risk of depression. Why is that? Remember, resiliency helps you see the positive side of your situations. When you think on the positive, it lowers your brain’s ability to be sad, which decreases depression!

Secondly, having good resiliency helps you find enjoyment in life. Again, resiliency helps you stay positive, right? When you’re positive and find the best in every situation, you’re able to enjoy your days more!

Thirdly, when you don’t let life’s troubles weigh you down, you’re able to handle stress better. Instead of letting your energy go towards being angry or worrying, you’re able to use your energy to find solutions and stay calm.

Fourth, having good resiliency lowers your risk of anxiety. This goes back to the last point of being able to handle stress better. Building good resiliency in motherhood allows you to stay calm and not be anxious!

Finally, having good resiliency can help you overcome past trauma. Remember, resiliency is the ability to find equilibrium (or a state of balance) in life after a hard event. If you are a mother who had a traumatic birthing experience, good resiliency will help you be able to heal and move on from that event!

Building Resiliency In Motherhood

You may be wondering by now “How do I build resiliency?” If you don’t have good resiliency, don’t worry! Just like a muscle, you can build and grow your resiliency the more you practice. Below are some examples of how you can build resiliency in motherhood.

1. Having A Good Support Group Helps You Be Resilient

According to the Mayo Clinic, being able to reach out to others for support is a key part of being resilient. One of the biggest lies we believe today is that all you need is yourself and no one else. If you live this way, you will quickly burn out. Additionally, you will be at greater risk for depression, anxiety, and poor mental health!

Being resilient is not about finding your inner strength to pull through a hard time all on your own. Building strong relationships around you will give you support in your time of need. Find those people you can trust. Start going to small groups or MOPS to find other moms like yourself. Get connected and grow your resiliency!

Click the button below to learn more about this topic on building your support network in motherhood.

2. Practice Self-Care

word self care with flowers

Don’t underestimate the power taking time for yourself can be on your emotional health! I know we mothers often feel guilty for taking time for ourselves when there are so many other things we could be doing with our time.

That may be true, however, you will be able to handle those other jobs/tasks better (including caring for your children!) if you first care for yourself. If you never take time for yourself, your resiliency will be low and you will be more likely to burnout and have anxiety and depression.

I have written an article Hobbies For Moms to help you find some great ways you can spend time for yourself. Click the button below to read all about it!

Another great thing to do to care for yourself is exercise! If you want to boost your emotional health, energy level, resiliency, and mood, then try exercising. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can have great impact on your overall health!

Below is an article (Coming Soon!) I wrote on wonderful at-home exercises for mothers. These are also great for moms who have diastasis recti. Click the button below to learn more!

3. Find Meaning In Every Day

Are you able to enjoy your days as a mother? I understand some days you wake up and you are just done with the whole motherhood thing! However, if you can understand the importance of what you’re doing as a mother, it will help you find joy and purpose in every day.

To help you do this, I have written an article on affirmations for mothers! In this article there are 30 affirmations. You can take one each day and practice thinking on it all throughout your day. Click the button below to read these affirmations!

Another way you can find joy in each day in motherhood is to understand your importance as a mother. No one else can be “Mommy” to your children. You’re the only one who can love them and understand their needs fully.

Check out my article Accepting Your New Identity As Mom to learn how you can build your resiliency in motherhood by understanding your importance! Click the button below to read all about it.

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4. Find Solutions To Your Problems

Having resiliency does not mean that you ignore your problems. Resiliency doesn’t mean you pretend like everything is ok. When you have good resiliency, you are able to cope with the troubles your problems bring you. Also, you are able to find solutions and move on.

So don’t ignore your problems. Find solutions to them! If you need help, reach out to your support network of moms and other people you trust for advice.

5. Find A Mental Health Professional

If you would like professional help building resiliency in your life, reach out to your primary care doctor and ask for a referral to a mental health professional. They will be able to assist you more in this area of building resiliency in your motherhood journey!


Building good resiliency in motherhood has many benefits for our emotional health. Good resiliency lowers our risk for depression, anxiety, stress, and helps us heal and move on from difficult circumstances.

In this article, we discussed five different ways you can build your resiliency in motherhood. I hope you are going to put some of what you learned into practice so you can better enjoy your motherhood journey! Good resiliency will help you take care of yourself so you can continue to care for the people you love in your life!

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Want To Learn More

If you would like to learn more about building your emotional health in motherhood, check out these related articles!

Accepting Your New Identity As Mom

Affirmations For Moms

Benefits That Motivate You To Exercise!

Building Your Support Network

6 Ways To Know You Are A Good Enough Mom

5 Reasons Why Building Resiliency In Motherhood Is Important

Hobbies For Mom

6 Tips To Exercise When You Have No Time To Exercise

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Top 15 Essential Oils For Boosting Energy Levels!

Reducing Mom Stress

Getting Professional Help (Coming Soon!)

By Kelsey

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