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Home » Best Baby Gas Drops

Choosing the right gas drops for your baby is important. There are some that contain dyes and alcohol, which you may not want to give to your little one. Let’s look at the best baby gas drops and why they are so great!

I will also share with you my story on what led me to getting infant gas drops and which brand I like the best!

My Story

Crying infant

My daughter wasn’t even 3 weeks old when her colic and fussiness started. Within minutes of nursing, she needed to be burped. She didn’t burp easy, which made my experience even more stressful and exhausting.

I was a new mother who knew next to nothing about caring for an infant! All those tricks that work for various infant troubles I did not know. Thankfully, my mother was able to inform me about infant gas drops.

I remember not knowing how much to give my daughter. “You only need like a drop,” my mom informed me. “She is an infant, so she only needs literally a drop!”

“How does it work to help them burp?” I asked.

“The simethicone in the gas drops helps break down the surface tension of the gas bubbles. So it’s easier for the baby to burp up the air in their stomach. It’s also not absorbed by the body, so it is safe for them!” I’m so glad my mother was with me that day to help!

After we gave my daughter a drop of gas drops, she burped a couple times within a few minutes! My heart was so relieved!

My daughter is now 2 years old, and we still give her gas drops around nap time, which seems to help her nap more soundly.

We love Paren’ts Choice and Infants’ Mylicon gas drop brands! They are more affordable than other brands. You can also buy their kind that are dye and alcohol free! I have included these in the list of infant gas drops below.

How Do Gas Drops Work?

I wondered this as a new mother as well. Wanting to be very careful not to put anything harmful or unneeded into my daughter’s already-upset-tummy, I was a little skeptical at first.

If you read my story above, you will already know my mother introduced me to gas drops. Their active ingredient is simethicone. This does not get absorbed by the baby’s body and only helps them burp! So it is safe for infants to take.

How do they work? Simethicone breaks down the surface tension of the gas bubbles in baby’s gut. This makes them easier for the baby to burp out of their tummy.

Again, gas drops are not absorbed by the body, so they are safe for infants and older babies to take. They are super helpful in getting gas out of the stomach and reducing the chances of colic!

I would highly recommend gas drops to any mother!

One of my friends recently had a baby and I loaded her up with 5 or 6 bottles of infant gas drops. Better to be prepared, right?

Below are a list of the most loved brands of baby gas drops by mothers. Take a look and see what you think would work best for you and your little one.

Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops

Little Remedies gas relief drops are another great option for your little one. It is safe for newborns and highly rated among pediatricians.

There are no artificial colors, flavors, alcohol or parabens in this formula. Another reason to love it!

These come in 1 fluid ounce bottle, and are sold in packs of 3 on Amazon.

Why You’ll Love It

  1. Highly rated by pediatricians
  2. No artificial colors, flavors, alcohol or parabens
  3. Sold in packs of 3 here

Infants’ Mylicon

Infant’s Mylicon gas drops are a favorite among mothers. They are dye free, so you don’t have to worry about your little one getting unnecessary food coloring or chemicals. There are also no artificial colors and is saccharin and alcohol free.

Another reason to love it – this brand is the #1 brand of gas drops recommended by pediatricians!

Infant’s Mylicon is safe to use with newborns and can be used up to 12 times a day.

Why You’ll Love It

  1. Highly loved by mothers
  2. #1 brand recommended by pediatricians
  3. Dye free
  4. No artificial colors
  5. Alcohol and saccharin free

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Mommy’s Bliss

Mommy’s Bliss baby gas relief is another well-loved gas formula by mothers. This one is a little different than the others as it contains both simethicone and ginger extract. The ginger adds some flavor, but also works to soothe your baby’s tummy.

Adding ginger to this gas drops makes this formula good to use for general fussiness or other stomach upset in baby.

The packaging is BPA free, and the formula is dye, alcohol and paraben free! It is also gluten, soy and dairy free.

Mother’s Bliss baby gas relief drops are safe for newborns to take, and is recommended by pediatricians.

Why You’ll Love It

  1. Highly loved by mothers
  2. Recommended by pediatricians
  3. Contains simethicone and ginger extract for extra stomach soothing
  4. BPA free packaging
  5. Dye, alcohol & paraben free
  6. Safe for newborns

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There are many great anti-gas drops out there for your little one. The ones listed here are alcohol, dye and paraben free. Depending on where you live, it may be hard to find an infant’s gas drop that is free from all of those things. I know that has been my case! Luckily for you, they are all listed and available here for your convenience.

All of the gas drops listed in this article are loved by mothers and recommended by pediatricians. You can’t go wrong with what you choose. Just choose what you think you and your little one would benefit most from.

Hope you have enjoyed this article and found something that will bring you and your little one some much needed relief!

You got this Mama!

If you would like to learn more about colic, check out these other related articles below!

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