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Fri. Feb 21st, 2025
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Do you know how to prevent diastasis recti? Where do you even begin? The answer may not be as complicated as you expect. In this article, I will educate you on how to prevent diastasis recti and what you can do if you have it after delivery. Ready? Let’s get to it!

Did You Know: 100% of women develop diastasis recti during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

However, for some women, their diastasis recti completely resolves itself after the baby is born. Unfortunately, “up to 1 in 3 women still report problems with abdominal separation 12 months after the birth,” according to Pregnancy Birth and Baby. So what can you do to prevent diastasis recti?

How To Prevent Diastasis Recti

One of the best things you could probably do to prevent your diastasis recti from being severe is to strengthen your core. Ideally, you should do this before getting pregnant. If you are pregnant, don’t try any exercise that is more strenuous than what you were doing before you got pregnant. If you did zumba prior to getting pregnant, feel free to dance safely until you feel you should slow things down.

This idea can be thought of as preparing for surgery. Sometimes when a surgery is needed on a particular muscle, the doctor will advise you to strengthen that part of the body prior to surgery. Then, after surgery, that muscle will be in a better place to continue healing.

I had this suggested to me when I thought I was going to need re-constructional surgery to my pelvic floor. I had a 4th degree tear during my first delivery, and the doctors thought I would need surgery. My therapist suggested strengthening my pelvic floor prior to surgery so the healing process would go better.

The same is true for preventing diastasis recti. If you strengthen the core prior to pregnancy, your risk of diastasis recti decreases. In the least, it prevents your gap from being as severe as it could be. Maybe you’ll have a 1-2 finger gap instead of a 3-4 finger gap!

Programs That Strengthen The Core And Prevent Diastasis Recti

There are wonderful at-home programs that will show you how to prevent diastasis recti. Some are designed specifically to help prepare you for pregnancy and the postpartum period.

The important thing to remember here is to choose a program that is right for you. If you already have diastasis recti from one of your previous pregnancies, then choose one of these programs that will strengthen your core in a safe and proven way. If you are planning on preparing for your first child and want to strengthen your core, then any core workout would be fine for you as long as you feel comfortable with it.

Every Mother

Every Mother

This program is very unique as it is researched-based and customizable for each woman to meet her where she is at in her motherhood and ability. It helps you prepare for delivery with safe exercises to do during pregnancy, helps avoid and prevent diastasis recti, and helps you regain your strength in your core after birth.

What You’ll Get

With this program, you’ll get:

  • Workouts that come on an app suitable for iOS and Android
  • Over 100 workouts that cover the 3 stages of motherhood (preparing for delivery, pregnancy, and postpartum)
  • Customized programming to meet you where you’re at in life
  • A foundational library – Expert guidance in and tips related to our core foundational techniques accompanied by a library of routines
  • Daily prescriptions so you can track and celebrate your progress
  • Peer support

Why We Love It

  • It’s researched based!
  • It will strengthen your core and help prevent diastasis recti
  • It is customizable for each woman to meet her where she is at
  • The program helps prepare you for delivery
  • There are 100+ workouts that assist you in each stage of motherhood
  • Switch between stages of motherhood at any time to suite you where you’re at
  • You can workout at home!

This is an excellent program to aid you in preventing diastasis recti! It is reasonably priced, has tons of workouts, and suites you during any phase of motherhood. If you are serious about how to prevent diastasis recti, this is an excellent choice! Click the button below to learn all about it!

Other Tools To Prevent Diastasis Recti

Belly bands (or maternity belts) are a great way to offer additional support for the back and hips. Wearing a belly band may help prevent diastasis recti because when you wear a belly band, it takes the extra pressure off the front of your stomach. The band is holding some of the weight instead of your belly. This will help your ab muscles not to be so strained! It also will help ease your pelvic floor muscles by “lifting” some of the weight off of them.

Click the button below to find the right maternity belt for you!

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How To Prevent Diastasis Recti


After reading this article you understand how to prevent diastasis recti. You know how important strengthening your core prior to pregnancy is to your abdominal health. I have given you tools and resources to help you prevent diastasis recti in your own life. Now, the rest is up to you. What will you do today to help your core tomorrow?

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What did you love about this article? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below! We would love to hear from you!

Want To Learn More?

If you would like to learn more about diastasis recti, check out these other related articles below!

Best Corrective Exercises For Diastasis Recti.

Diastasis Recti Symptoms

Homeopathic Remedies For Back Pain

Severe Constipation During Pregnancy Remedies

Yoga For Diastasis Recti.

What Is Diastasis Recti?

Who Can Develop Diastasis Recti?

Home » How To Prevent Diastasis Recti

By Kelsey

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